mark your calendar: BLIP Legal-Hack-A-Thon coming April 14, 2012. Sign up now.

TechLaw Tools

These are tools on the web that are awesome [text text text text text]  [text text text text text]  [text text text text text]  [text text text text text]  [text text text text text]  [text text text text text] v  [text text text text text] v  [text text text text text]


[Tool Name]
[Tool URL]
[Brief description of tool]

[Tool Name]
[Tool URL]
[Brief description of tool]

[Tool Name]
[Tool URL]
[Brief description of tool]

[Tool Name]
[Tool URL]
[Brief description of tool]

[Tool Name]
[Tool URL]
[Brief description of tool]

[Tool Name]
[Tool URL]
[Brief description of tool]

[Tool Name]
[Tool URL]
[Brief description of tool]

[Tool Name]
[Tool URL]
[Brief description of tool]

[Tool Name]
[Tool URL]
[Brief description of tool]

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